Saturday, January 21, 2012


So far I have been on zero dates, that's right, zero dates in this new year of the dragon.  Unless you count one painfully long gmail chat and one impromptu "parking" experience.  The parking was actually pretty sweet since I never got the opportunity when I was 16.  My teen years were pretty tame (hell my 20's were pretty tame) and I have been considering taking this opportunity to make up for lost time.   "Seven minutes in heaven" would be next on my to-do list if my subconscious hadn't decided to redefine the meaning of "enjoy time with some men".  It turns out I am not qualified for meaningless make-out sessions and I'm not sure why I thought that equated to "enjoy time with meb".  A rare and fabulous revelation leading me to far better things.  Starting with me.

What I am really looking for is more than some hanky panky because let's be honest, dawning my footed onsie and watching a romantic comedy satisfies me more than any man has in a while.   So I am back on the straight and narrow, in the zone, eye on the prize if you will.  Turns out I am behind the times, my girlfriends started 2012 way ahead of me (they are scientists so they are really smart and stuff)...

One is positive she saw my life path partner in her 6am yoga class.  I have been going to 6am yoga twice a week since and I saw him once...several weeks ago.  I have no doubt he will be back in February and in the mean time I am perfecting my powerful warrior pose.  Namaste.  Another friend thinks she met my LPP at the climbing gym.  When I joined eharmony back in my younger years my tag line was "Looking to meet a quality man who can teach me to rock climb."  I purchased my climbing shoes and harness this afternoon from a nice looking salesmen...who assisted me with the harness expertly I might add.  It pays to be an REI member.  The extra sweet part about this love finding mission is that I have fallen in love with yoga and climbing.  But best of all is the quality time with my soul sistas. 

Shit I say to men:
"Be vulnerable enough to make the call."
"Do you have that belaying device in purple?  Then it would match my shoes." (he went to the back to check before I could ask, "Want to Co-Op with me? " or quietly whisper "I'd belay you.")
"I am not looking for a guy who just wants to bone me."
"Read my blog, if you are still interested write a comment or call me."  I actually said this to a lovely gentlemen tonight at the bowling alley.  Men in bowling shoes...I can't resist.

2012 is going to be a good year.  I can feel it.

uptown girl

Climbing membership: $100
Climbing gear: $145
20 session yoga card: $200
meeting the man of your dreams? (Better happen damn it!)

© Uptown Girl 2012

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