Wednesday, November 17, 2010

it all started with this email

I will begin this grand communication adventure by informing you all that I just ran into one of my colleagues Miss Sally.  She happens to be the RN who Mr. Plastic Surgeon works with.  As many of you already know I strategically struck up conversation with said surgeon and then sent him an email for a follow up bagel date after he "forgot" to contact me.  Unfortunately I failed to actually check my email for a response from the doc and missed his communication and our potential bagel date.  I have not heard from him since my apology email and therefor should probably move on.  Instead I emailed him the following 2 minutes ago:  I entitled it "wink":
           Sally just told me I should start flirting with you.
           I thought I should get your permission first.
So there you have it people.  I have no self control when given a challenge.  Hence forth I am going to act on inspiration alone with freedom from self judgement or fear.  I also respond well to double dog dares as friends can attest.  I hope you all can get some enjoyment out of my dating situation.
love to you all (and my life path partner (whoever he may be))
ps- thought you all might like to know that my chin is finally healing from my weekend makeout session.