"Hella" status achieved as promised by Mac!
Local Cheese Burger with a side of Waffle Cheese Fries (praise be) followed by dancing for 3 hours to my favorite 80's band!! What?!! OMG. This could be love!
We shyly danced to some 80's classics; my interpretive dance moves obviously capturing his heart. There was some sweet innocent flirting followed by a not-so-romantic good night hug under the florescent lights of the elevator lobby of my building. Just outside there were inebriated college folk falling in the bushes and immediately taking pics which will surely turn up on fb. During the hug I made a wise-ass comment about Mac's post-dancing sweaty shirt...and then he kissed me. What can I say, I have a way with words and setting the mood. It only took 4 dates, seeing me in a bikini and witnessing me sing my heart out to Journey. He texted me when he was home safe, "I had a blast tiny dancer." Be still my heart, he even quotes Elton John.
That was Saturday night. Now it's Wednesday. Two dates in a row I have cleaned my apartment unnecessarily. In order to prevent any further confusion and over exertion I have asked him if I should clean my apartment for an after dinner make out sesh tonight. He has plans to pick me up a 7pm tonight. This is all I know.
To bring you up to speed on other adventures in dating- the brunch date with Mr. Coke cost me $15 and that's all I have to say about that. Elevator Man has been traveling for work but we are having drinks on Friday night. I have a good feeling about him. A few of my past dates have called or texted and I am not sure how or if I want to respond. Oh the challenges of being cute and fun. Any advice at this point is welcome.
Friendly advice: "Stop pondering what he thinks about you and pay attention to where his feet are. They are with you. It's as simple as that."
With love,
Uptown Girl
ps- I have to give a shout out to my sweet friend who has been coaching me through this odyssey called Match dating. Her wise council has even inspired some once non-believers to get on the Match train. It can be difficult to traverse alone so if any of you out there need a wing-woman for the online dating scene she is offering her services for a small (and worth it!) fee.
Total: (this may require a higher level of algebra than I know)
-$15 (dinner with Mac)
-$25 (80's ticket and drinks)
-$15 (gratuity for the well executed date!)
+$15 (brunch date)
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