I cleaned the apartment.
But bless his heart Mac didn't try to make one move. He exceedingly honored the no-access memo...a little to my dismay. We enjoyed a poolside dinner followed by a leisurely swim where we delved further into hand gun carrying and Match dot com-ing. I must admit I was a little confused when we parted with another kind hug and plans for a 4th date. A few minutes later he texted me that I look "quite nice in a bikini". Seriously?! I guess they are damned if they do, damned if they don't. Either they aren't complimenting me enough causing me to be insecure or they step over the line and I accuse them of only liking me for my body. I will take it to my therapist.
Before I continue I would like to take this opportunity to formally state that I have no intention of demeaning, disrespecting or misrepresenting my dates. (Read: My mom is worried my dates may find my blog and it will hurt their feelings.) I will try to stay true to the facts as best my memory serves. My goal here is to innocently share my dating life lessons so that others can receive the knowledge that I have acquired. Just sharing the wealth of $840 with my sisters.
So, Mac has a tattoo. He would be comfortable with me telling you this because he dislikes it vehemently. Imagine if you will the skull of a bull centered over the cross of a Native American axe and spike with a red background. This fist sized specimen of body art is located on his calf/shin. Oh dear. What is a tatoo-less, never dated a tatood-man, and often absurdly picky girl to do? Surprisingly I don't really mind it. Somehow I continue to enjoy him despite the little things that would have caused me to sign off in the past. I have two theories: A) His character and our connection is deeper than the surface by which I usually judge men. B) He has a little bad boy in him and makes me laugh thereby causing me to lose my good judgement completely...this one makes me a little nervous.
Despite the fact that he has been nothing but respectful I find myself questioning his motives and our connection. Fortunately I have dear friends who have witnessed my dating trials and tribulations through the years. They have a not so subtly but always loving way of putting me in my place. "This is what you always do! You start making them meet mark after mark. Just have fun!"
New mantra: Follow the Fun. Sit, Stay.
In other news, Elevator Man and Mr. Coke have requested a weekend meet up, not together. I am not sure when to fit them in. All I know is I have one week and roughly $615 to go!
Mac has promised, and I quote, "a super-duper-hella-awesome date" Saturday night. Ahh the anticipation.
Total: $595
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